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GTA Dispute Resolution

GTA Dispute Resolution Rules - 19 December 2022

The Dispute Resolution Service facilitated by Grain Trade Australia works to avoid litigation and reduce cost for GTA Members and other industry participants by engaging dispute resolution through peer review. The service is conducted in a manner that promotes an efficient use of time while providing a fair and equitable means to resolve disputes related to contract performance. Previous versions of the GTA Dispute Resolution Rules.

GTA Arbitration Guidelines - 19 December 2022

The Arbitration Guidelines should be read by anyone considering GTA arbitration and before directing inquiries to GTA. They set out GTA’s policy and seek to provide clarification in relation to various aspects of GTA arbitration practice and procedure. They are to be read in conjunction with the applicable Trade Rules and Dispute Resolution Rules, the applicable legislation and case law.

Commencing the Process

A Request must be lodged with GTA on or before 12 months after the expiration date for performance of the contract(s) otherwise any claim is deemed to be waived and absolutely barred unless a GTA Arbitration Tribunal extends the time for commencing arbitration (Rule 16.2 GTA Trade Rules). Requests to be lodged using the online Dispute Resolution Request Form. Fast Track and Full Arbitration filing fees and Small Claims fees are payable via credit card when submitting the request form. Refer to the Fee Schedule and Dispute Resolution Rules.

Schedule 1 - Arbitration Fees - 19 December 2022

The fees payable by each party shall be determined by GTA and are subject to change and review by the GTA Board of Directors, at its discretion. Any amendments will be published in Schedule 1 to these Rules.


GTA Arbitrators

Arbitrators will be nominated from the GTA Approved Arbitrators List. An Arbitrator shall not be interested in the transaction nor directly interested as a member or financially associated with any party to the arbitration. To become a GTA Arbitrator, please download the Nomination Form to become GTA Arbitrator.


Arbitration Summaries

Arbitration Summaries are a list of finalised GTA arbitrations that have had awards handed down. The arbitrations have been summarised and sanitised for confidentiality. Grain Producer’s Q & A



  Managing Insolvency

 Insolvencies occur frequently in the grain industry and businesses need to prepare for them.