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GTA Committees



Nominations process for 2024-2025 has been simplified and now available online for your convinience.




The Committee structure within GTA allows Members to raise issues that impact on their commercial operations, leading to industry consensus on particular issues such as, trade rules and grain standards.

The Chair of each Technical Committee is Board appointed according to his or her particular qualifications.  Any Member can nominate themselves or someone else for a position on a GTA Technical Committee and all members can submit issues to the Technical Committees.

All GTA Technical Committees must agree to and abide by:


   Charter of the GTA Technical Committees  


   GTA Technical Committees Expense Guidelines




GTA Technical Committee Recommendations and Submissions

GTA Technical Committees will from time to time call on Members to submit recommendations on specific industry issues.

GTA also welcomes, throughout the year, Member submissions regarding any other industry issues of relevance to GTA's role in supporting the efficient facilitation of trade across the Australian grain supply chain.

Submissions should be presented to GTA on the following form and forwarded to

   GTA Technical Committee - Submission Form



GTA 2024-2025 Committee Members

Trade and Market Access Committee

The Trade and Market Access Committee shall make recommendations to the GTA Board on issues relating to:

  • Storage & Handling;
  • Contractual issues (domestic and export);
  • Conduct an advocacy role for the grain industry and statutory organisations on issues of importance to members;
  • GTA education and training issues, specifically those supporting the objectives of this Committee; and
  • Other relevant matters of concern to GTA members and within the area of expertise of the Biotechnology CommBrianna Peake
Brianna Peake Chair 
Michael Wood Deputy Chair 
Simon Gellert Deputy Chair
Scott Merson GTA Director
Rosemary Richards GTA Technical Consultant
Adrian Reginato Cargill Australia Ltd
Ian Desborough AGEC
Peter Nash Grain Industry Association of WA
Courtney Draper AEGIC
Harry Notaras Grain Corp
Kellie Todman CBH Group
Annabel Mactier Grain Growers Limited
John Ackerman Grains Australia
Julie O'Dea Viterra
Oilseeds Manager (TBC) AOF
Gerard McMullen NWPGP
Joshua Lawrence Ikon Commodities
Joe Finch Fletchers
James Saunders Control Union
Simon Dax LDC

Commerce Committee

The Commerce Committee shall make recommendations to the GTA Board on issues relating to:

  • Review of and changes or additions to GTA contracts (includes compiling location differentials and other supporting documents);
  • Review of and  changes or additions to the GTA Trade Rules; and
  • Review and management of the GTA arbitration process.
Michael Wood Chair
Simon Gellert Deputy Chair 
Geoff Farnsworth Deputy Chair
Nathan Cattle Clear Grain Exchange
John Payne Cargill Australia Ltd 
Peter Arkle Grain Producers Australia
Reagan Stroud Ridley Agriproducts
Andrew Lang Riordan Grain Services
Sean Cole Grain Growers Limited
Sam Batters CHS Broadbent
Stephen Clarke ADM Trading Australia
Joshua Lawrence Ikon Commodities
Ben Tiller CBH Group
Matt Clarke Inghams
Erin Burns George Weston Foods (Mauri)
Joe Finch Fletchers
Peter McMeekin ETG Commodities
Tim Crowe LDC
Tom Smibert Viterra
Tim Dowling GrainCorp


Standards Committee

The Standards Committee shall make recommendations to the GTA Board on issues relating to:

  • Review and updates of commodity standards in cooperation with Pulse Australia, Australian Oilseeds Federation and other industry participants;
  • Review of issues relating to quality assurance for GTA Development of protocols for accreditation of laboratories involved in testing to support GTA contracts; and
  • Development of the Industry Codes of Practice.
Simon Ticker Chair 
Matt Kelly Deputy Chair 
Scott Merson Deputy Chair
Gerard McMullen GTA Technical Consultant
Caine McGregor Cargill Australia Ltd
Matthew Madden Grain Producers Australia
Vince Moroney CBH Group
William Thompson LDC
Julie O'Dea Viterra
Paul Panozzo Allied Pinnacle
Sam Nelson Grain Growers Limited
Matt Samin GrainCorp
Marcus Dingle Hazeldenes
Kyla Davie CHS Broadbent
Cooper Vinci Fletchers
Craig Dennis Network Grains
Jade Saunders Cropify


Transport, Storage & Ports Committee

The Transport, Storage & Ports Committee is responsible for making recommendations on:

  • Port Terminal and Container Matters; 
  • Transport, Storage and Quality Assurance;
  • Other relevant matters of concern to GTA Members and within the area of expertise of the Transport, Storage & Ports Committee.
Geoff Farnsworth Chair            
Matt Kelly Deputy Chair
Scott Merson Deputy Chair
Andrew Weidemann Grain Producers Australia
Annabel Mactier Grain Growers Limited
Alister Boyd Cargill Australia
Derek Robjohns Viterra Ltd   
Josh Connell GrainCorp
Michael Broadbent CHS Broadbent 
Morne van Wyngaard CBH Group
Matt Clarke  Inghams
Joshua Lawrence NSW Ports
Joseph Masters Fletchers
Ben Redway LDC
Jaco Van de Merwe Horizon Commodities


Plant Breeding Innovation

The Committee for Plant Breeding Innovation is responsible for making recommendations to the Board and industry on the potential effect to commerical activity as a result of the:

  • Planned intentional release of approved GM grain events; or the
  • Unplanned and unintentional release (escape) of unapproved grain events
  • Implications arising from plant breeding innovations
Simon Tickner Chair                    
Simon Gellert Deputy Chair
Rosemary Richards GTA Consultant
Tristan Coram Australian Grain Technologies
Duncan Young Grain Producers Australia
Sam Nelson Grain Growers Limited
Tresslyn Walmsley Intergrain
David Hudson SGA Solutions Pty Ltd
Nicholas Chambers GrainCorp
Katherine Delbridge ASF
Stephen Howells AOF
Adrian Reginato Cargill Australia Ltd
Craig McLure CBH Group


Information Technology Advisory Committee

The Information Technology Advisory Committee will make recommendations to the GTA Board in relation to:

  • Improving the faciliation of trade through collaboration whilst acknowledging the value of investment, innovation, and differentiation in the competitive process and the faciliation of trade.
  • Identifying risks, gaps, and opportunities for the grains industry from a data and information technology perspective.
  • Identification of opportunities to improve data exchange across the industry and Governments (local and global) to improve efficient faciliation of trade.
Richard Perkins Chair 
Ole Houe Deputy Chair 
Nathan Cattle Clear Grain Exchange
Sam Nelson Grain Growers Ltd
Ian Sproul CBH Grain
David Houghton AgRisk
Jay Holland National Grower Register
Julia O'Dea Viterra
Anna Falkiner Cropify
David Taylor AgCRM