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Industry Chemical Workshops

Chemical Compliance Workshop

GTA and NWPGP hosted a Chemical Compliance Workshop in Melbourne on June 3, 2019. The purpose of this workshop was to provide a common understanding to participants of:

  • The regulations that cover chemicals when marketing grain;
  • Industry management systems to manage those residues;
  • To provide further solutions on how industry performance in meeting market requirements can be improved.

GTA and NWPGP hosted a Chemical Compliance Workshop in Melbourne on June 3, 2019. The purpose of this workshop was to provide a common understanding to participants of the regulations that cover chemicals when marketing grain, industry management systems to manage those residues and for participants to provide further solutions on how industry performance in meeting market requirements can be improved.

The program for the Workshop can be downloaded here Download program here

The Outcomes of the Workshop can be found here:

No. 20 of 19 - CC Information Workshop Outcomes.pdf

Trade and Market Access Forum

GTA intends to conduct a Trade and Market Access Forum to discuss a range of issues that include the impacts of chemical use on market access.

Due to the current coronavirus outbreak this has been postponed. Further details can be found here.

Grains Industry Market Access Forum (GIMAF)

GIMAF holds a meeting with various grain industry stakeholders at least 3 times a year to discuss market access issues. A range of chemical related issues are discussed at each meeting to provide participants with information on:

  • Current issues affecting industry and measures being undertaken to manage those
  • Potential changes that will impact on market access in future
  • Other topics as relevant

A summary of issues discussed at each meeting is provided by GIMAF to industry. Refer to the GIMAF website for further information here.

Grain and Plant Products Export Industry Consultative Committee (GPPEICC)

The GPPEICC is the principal forum for the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to consult with grain, fodder, nuts, seed and timber industries on export inspection and certification, export market access and other relevant issues which include chemical regulations and meeting market requirements.

GTA provide industry with summaries of each meeting outlining relevant issues on key topics of discussion. Refer to the latest meeting outcomes here.