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NWPGP Conference

2020 Australian Grain Storage & Protection Conference

The NWPGP Annual Australian Grain Storage and Protection Conference is an open forum for the entire grains industry to review and discuss the latest market requirements relating to chemical regulations and developments in grain storage and protection.

Presenters cover national and international regulation along with a range of topics including:

  • Updates on national and international changing market requirements and activities
  • Industry management strategies to meet market requirements
  • Industry performance in meeting market regulations
  • Insect infestation/entomology updates
  • Pesticide residue violations
  • Grain protectant usage and latest research
  • Fumigants and issues with their usage
  • Physical control methods for stored grain insects (i.e., aeration)
  • Application technology
  • Advocacy and Extension activities
  • Other key research outcomes

NWPGP Organising Bodies

The National Working Party on Grain Protection (NWPGP) is the body responsible for providing management and leadership to industry in the areas of grain storage, chemical use, market requirements and chemical regulations. The Strategic Working Group (SWG) develops the agenda and invites speakers based on relevant topics of interest to industry for that year.

The SWG also liaises closely with Grain Trade Australia (GTA) who are proud supporters of the conference. GTA supplies standardised grain trading standards, trade rules, grain contracts and training and development for the Australian grain industry to enable the efficient facilitation of trade across the grain supply chain. GTA have administered arrangements for the conference for many years and continue to provide valuable assistance in its success.

NWPGP Conference Delegates

The NWPGP has been meeting annually for over 45 years, however the annual conference, delegate list and industry representation continues to expand and evolve – constantly striving to meet industry’s needs.

A wide spectrum of the industry is represented at the conference with attendance averaging 130 delegates in recent years. The conference enjoys significant support from all sectors of the industry from growers, storage operators, end users, traders, research, commercial product manufacturers, chemical registrants and service providers such as fumigators and transport operators. This conference is also widely supported by the Australian government through their attendance and providing various presentations.

The program and topics are continually being expanded in line with this development and in direct response to survey feedback received from previous conference attendees.

The delegate survey from the 2019 Conference highlighted:

  • 72% of delegates have previously attended the conference
  • 81% agreed the conference was good value for money
  • 97% agreed the program content was relevant and appropriate
  • 92% agreed the program met their expectations
  • 100% would recommend the conference to industry colleagues
  • 100% would attend the conference again in the future

NWPGP Conference Sponsorship

A range of sponsorship opportunities exist for the annual conference. These opportunities are open to all interested stakeholders to promote their services.

Sponsorship packages are announced each year and generally include Gold, Silver, meal sponsorship, networking drinks and lanyards. Booths are available also, generally in areas to provide maximum exposure to attendees.

Sponsorship packages are announced early each year prior to the conference and may vary each year. Contact GTA at any time for enquiries.

Prior NWPGP Conferences

Outcomes of each conference are documented and provided as a summary to all delegates and GTA Members. Agreed outcomes of previous conferences can be viewed here.

2020 Australian Grain Storage & Protection Conference

The 2020 Australian Grain Storage and Protection Conference has been re-scheduled for 14 October 2020 and will take place online due to the current social distancing and travel restrictions.

The organising committee (SWG and GTA) considered revised arrangements based on ongoing Government advice. 

For sponsorship opportunities please contact GTA at

Prior Australian Grain Storage & Protection Conferences

Agreed outcomes of previous conferences can be viewed  here.

More details on 2020 Virtual Event: 2020 Australian Grain Storage & Protection Conference